Putting map data on SVN made incremental updates feasible.  Both for
maintainer uploads, and user caches.  A similar argument applies to
the aircraft, with the complications that (a) there are more
maintainers with less coordination, and (b) the dependency graph
between directories is not trivial.  On the other hand, we don't need
streaming on-demand retrieval since few pilots are expected to change
aircraft in mid-flight.  8-)

Those two complications mean that either we have to do a whole
checkout (in which case we might as well use GIT) or maintainers have
to mark up their directories with dependency metadata to support
automated update tools (in which case SVN would work but not be
ideal).  I think the critical question is whether maintainers are
willing to do that.  Suppose they are.

A post-commit hook collects all the dependency data, sprinkled across
the directories, into a single self-consistent file.  The client side
utility does a single update to get that file, and then whatever
additional updates it specifies for the desired aircraft.  SVN would
work well enough.  We would know the total bandwidth cost for each
aircraft (before caching).

Supposing we continue to use GIT for development and whole-repository
replication, and replace SVN with HTTP for people who want to do quick
and incremental aircraft downloads.  We can easily prototype the HTTP
version by selecting a 1GB subset of the archive for demonstration
using AppEngine free quota ... while the community evaluates that

The replica of GIT head in appengine is about $2/month.  Add about $1
for any user who chooses to use HTTP to replicate the entire
repository instead of using GIT (but we can discourage that).
Assuming most individual aircraft are a tiny fraction of the
repository (especially after allowing for texture reuse), the true
expenses are probably quite manageable.
There are probably cheaper static web hosting options out there, but I
figured these numbers are a useful starting point.

Personally, I don't see a value in offering HTTP per-file instead of
SVN per-directory, but others may do.  Hence the discussion above.

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