> What I'd really love to see in the mid-to-long-term range is some kind
> of unified weather system. It does not really make sense for an average
> user to have two systems to choose from.

Well, there's also a reason - the different design philosophy - and at
some point you may want to consider that before you merge.

If you compare a system that tries to understand atmospheric conditions
and terrain interaction with one that draws what you specify, then there
are pros and cons to each:

* currently Global Weather guarantees (I think) that winds at a station
position are exactly as reported in the METAR string. Local Weather
computes the boundary layer wind slowdown locally dependent on terrain and
can't guarantee that the winds will work out - by the time a METAR is
received, the terrain at the station usually isn't even loaded and can't
be probed, so the system has to make a guess what the boundary effect at
the station location will be, and the wind at destination is only good up
to that guess (that could in principle be addressed by correcting the
guess once the terrain is loaded - it's just a nasty question of timing
and subtly changing interpolation points...).

* same with cloud cover - if a system computes cloud placement dependent
on terrain type and altitude, you can't guarantee that the end result will
really be a 4/8 - it could come out 3/8 or 5/8 - again, it depends on
guessing a factor before doing the placement

* on the other hand, if you place and drift clouds without terrain
interaction, they'll just go through a mountain and emerge on the other
side - isn't quite right either. If you compute winds without local
boundary layer effect, the boundary layer will be as effective on a
mountaintop as down in the valley - isn't correct either.

Maybe I am lost in seemingly irrelevant detail - but I think there's a
good reason to have two systems dependent on what you need - either
accuracy with respect to weather reports, or some physics model of the
atmosphere interacting with the terrain.

(There is of course a proper solution, which is a proper physics model of
atmosphere/terrain interaction - it's just computationally too heavy...).

>> Do you see this as a problem with the 3D clouds generated by the Local
>> Weather system specifically, or 3D clouds in general?
> It's 3d clouds in general but the local weather has the biggest impact
> on frame rate. I think (better: guess) it's because Local Weather draws
> more cloudlets. It's getting worse btw. the closer one gets to a cloud
> and the more space on the monitor is occupied by a cloud.

I'm not sure about what's different in multiple monitors, but:


(visual comparison with closed layers in METAR mode - Local Weather gets
almost 25% better framerate)

In a single monitor setup, it's just not true that Global Weather is
generically faster. In equal Cumulus conditions, I observe about the same
performance hit (when slecting the same visual range to display clouds -
when I compare 55 km visibility with 20 km, naturally 20 km are better).
In overcast layers, I observe that Local Weather is sigificantly better -
sometimes twice as fast.

I think cloudlets go the other way round - Stuart uses many (20-30 per
cloud) small cloudlets, whereas I use few large ones (typically 4-8) with
asymmetric rescaling to get the layering right.

If the problem gets worse when a single cloud is in view, it could be down
to texture resolution - a single cloudlet texture used by Stuart is
probably 120x120 whereas some of my large Cu cloud lets are ~1024x512 -
that should give you a different performance footprint... Some people had
issues with GPU memory, in which case dds textures helped (didn't help for

Apart from that, I can't really guess what makes it worse with more screens.

So - future plans:

Stuart has written a very nice interface from Nasal, which I plan to use.
Since that requires newly arranged texture sheets, I will ask some people
who have more experience with graphics software to help me re-extract
textures from my cloud photographs - at that stage, we can also
systematically test with dds vs. rgb and optimal resolution.

My current understanding is (I haven't tested too much) that Stuart's
interface doesn't address issues which are related to number of cloudlets
or texture size - once a model is in the scene, these should be the only
difference. I can of course use the same clouds and textures as currently
in global weather, but then you run into the same performance and visual 
issues (i.e. cloudlets are too small to effectively form layers, no
developed Cu or Cb clouds, ...). What the system will most likely do is

* improve loading times
* provide a conceptually clean interface
* move clouds in the wind almost for free

In principle, one could try to code terrain interaction into here as well
- but as I said, moving clouds interacting with the terrain opens a can of

So, that's in a nutshell the plan for the mid-future.


* Thorsten

All of the data generated in your IT infrastructure is seriously valuable.
Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
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