On Thu, Aug 4, 2011 at 12:22 AM, marthter <marth...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> I also have separately installed FlightGear via the package manager, so I
> tried pointing FG_AIRCRAFT at what appears to be the Aircraft directory,
> Also when I guessed at what to put for the terrasync exe spot, which I found
> in ~/flightsim/install/fgfs/bin/terrasync, the Next button is still greyed
> out.

No idea about fgrun, but these two settings are optional. FG knows to
look for the default aircraft in FG_ROOT/Aircraft, you only need to
set this if you have an additional custom location. Terrasync is not

> I also tried this without using run_fgrun, but just using fgrun:
> $ cd ~/flightsim/install/fgrun/bin
> $ ./fgrun
> ./fgrun: error while loading shared libraries: libosgParticle.so.66: cannot
> open shared object file: No such file or directory
> $
> I also tried without using
> $ cd ~/flightsim/install/fgfs/bin
> $ ./fgfs
> ./fgfs: error while loading shared libraries: libosgFX.so.66: cannot open
> shared object file: No such file or directory

These are normal, the wrapper scripts contain code to set
LD_LIBRARY_PATH such that the system can locate the required
dependencies. You can of course do that manually too. Note that you'll
have to supply fgfs with the path to the data directory using the
--fg-root option. Verify that the script downloaded the data for you.
Should be easy to notice, it is a >3GB download :)  Looks similar to
what you have found in the installed package (but the two versions are
not compatible). I suspect your GIT error message might indicate
failed data download.

For the already filled out paths in the fgrun page, verify that those
actually exist and are readable.


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