On Friday, December 16, 2011 14:57:24 Olivier wrote:
> Hi,
> That's a nice start! Are you grabbing data from:
> http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/ ?

Yes. aprs.fi also has a good feed, although more oriented towards ham radio 
AisHub has very detailed NMEA data, but they require you to send a feed before 
accessing raw data, and I don't live in a coastal area.

> In fact, depending on the data format, you may obtain the speed & the type
> of the ship with AIS. So if speed=0, you should use a ship without wakes
> (eg ship in a harbour, and display a type depending on the type returned
> by AIS (cargo, tug, sailing, ...).

Type's already done (sort of), but the foam I have no clue how to get rid of 
it other than a different model.
Some images near Amsterdam harbour:
Crowded, I'd say.


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