Le 15/02/2012 19:38, flightgear-devel-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net a 
écrit :

> ------------------------------
> Message: 22
> Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 19:30:51 +0100
> From: kreuzritter2000<kreuzritter2...@gmx.de>
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Fair practice&  autorisations
> To:flightgear-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
> Message-ID:<1329330651.1883.25.camel@blackbox>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> So in other words, Emanual has every right to dismiss any modifications
> on *his* model but he has no right to refuse improvements of the
> FlightGear Project.
> And one aircraft is like a couple of lines of source code in the
> project.

Dear Oliver

I think you misinterpreted that. I refuse nothing and besides, when I 
had access to the fantastic work of the PAF Team, I added it on GIT, 
albeit with some corrections and / or amended (with error may be possible ).

This is the PAF team that refuses all. Besides, if they had taken the 
time to contact me all this would never happened. They seek only to 
discredit me in the eyes of all. I think I've proven myself many times 
and I have never refused any improvements for my aircraft hangar. 
Except, I confess, for JSBSim (and even if the work is good why I 
refuse, even JSBSim ).

Look, additions and improvements by  JC_SV for the A26 Invader and B25 
lately. A lot of and those of other talented people for the Avro Arrow, 
Alphajet, Carreidas 160, C130 Hercules and I forget a lot.

But this list is primarily a development list. I would like people who 
want me to do harm, do to other places. Of course Oliver, there is no 
question of you in this sentence :)

Regards. Emmanuel



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