Am 28.03.12 15:08, schrieb James Turner:
> The real issue is that we're finding zlib.h in /opt/local/include, but using 
> the libz from /usr. (The Apple supplied version)
> I tried to find a solution, so that we use one header + library consistently, 
> but didn't yet figure this out. Since zlib doesn't have a subdir in include, 
> we're at mercy of the search paths a little. For the library we can force an 
> explicit absolute path to link against, but Cmake's FindZLIB is finding the 
> one in /usr (correctly, I would say), the problem is the header search order 
> at compile time.
> James

Hi James

Didn’t dive into but noticed OSG has probably a more sophisticated cmake 
zlib check already. Maybe it’s worth to have a look there?

Doesn’t type change of gzFile need a change in lowlevel.cxx anyway, once ?

Cheers, Yves

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