On 30 Jul 2012, at 11:39, stefan riemens wrote:

> On a different note: window management.
> I've seen that in Tom's private branch, he has started on a window
> class (albeit, it is just a skeleton currently).
> I think we indeed want a c++ window manager, which is basically just a
> dumb "visible thing that renders a texture".
> That way, the canvas code only has to render stuff to a texture and
> expose that, which is a nice abstraction point.

Agreed - I was planning to dive into adapting the window on Tom's branch, with 
a C++ host for a canvas. Note that the canvas currently assumes 
render-to-texture, but for the GUI I'm not sure that's actually desirable - 
simply a separate camera per GUI window may be sufficient. Since the camera 
already arranges everything beneath the RTT camera this should be fairly minor 
change, if it's desirable.

(Saves some memory, makes re-sizing GUI windows a little easier, might make 
clipping or other state management less efficient in the main GUI camera ... 
but probably not)

> So, given all that, where can I jump in to help? I must admit that I'm
> primarily interested in C++ development,
> rather than writing nasal ;(

Same here :)

I need to spend some time on Mac release engineering, so I'm happy for you to 
work with Tom on 'window manager' - I'd suggest starting with the current 
GUICamera code, and especially the osgWidget base class. In particular my goal 
is to be able to kill off fg_os.hxx in the near future, i.e to have all events 
being passed into the canvas as osgGA types, not the old GLUT interface of raw 
x/y floats.


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