> 1. I noticed some distortion in the texture placement in grass airfields  
> when using the ALS.
> Here are some snapshots:
> --basic shader: http://imageshack.us/f/15/p917.png/
> --ALS: http://imageshack.us/f/196/9lcl.png/
> --Rembrandt: http://imageshack.us/f/839/4ll1.png/
> The shots are from ESSZ, although I see it in other grass airfields as  
> well.
> Version: latest GIT simgear/FG/fgdata (2013-06-30, 20:30UTC).
> The distortion was there before I upgraded to today's Git...

Difficult to see if the others are distorted or not, seems to be just to be a 
homogeneous color where no distortion could be seen. This is probably related 
to what I'm seeing with the runway shader effect.

I haven't touched either shader code for at least 6 months, so... something has 
somehow happened to the process creating the runway uv-mapping (normals? 
tangents?) which screws up the shaders specifically on runways. Now, since not 
everyone sees it, I first suspected some hardware specific quirk, but James is 
running pretty much the same hardware and apparently doesn't get any problems. 
Thus, the next culprit which I can think of is that I compile under Linux 
against OSG 3.0.1 rather than latest, and it appears that OSG specifics can 
also throw the other shaders off track as reported during the last days.

So my current suspicion is that we're dealing with some OSG change here where 
dependence on OSG devel versions has somehow crept into the FG/SG code and 
leads to problems with runways when compiling against OSG last stable. Beats me 
why this is runway specific, but I would observe if it goes away once the OSG 
issues are tackled.

> 2. I also noticed in ALS, that the Mie Factor slider is locked in 0.005,  
> and the other two slider do just nothing when changing their values  
> except from momentary flashes in the sky. This was not happening before  
> today's update...

Should they be doing anything? Rayleigh, Mie and density factors should now be 
controlled by Basic Weather as well as Advanced Weather after Stuart's work on 
making Basic Weather run ALS better - so as far as I know the sliders should in 
fact be obsolete. Maybe Stuart can comment?

Definitely they should be non-functional (or even absent)  when Advanced 
Weather is running.

* Thorsten
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