On 3 Aug 2013, at 13:11, Pat <pat.callah...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I won't do any work on this unless its agreed in advance that the
> patches should be merged and what tags should or should not be updated.
> Does anyone care about 2.10 at this point?
> What are your thoughts on updates to previous versions to keep them
> viable?

We've never done this in the past - I don't have any objection to it per-se, if 
someone is happy to do the work, though I do question the value in doing it for 
any version prior to $CURRENT - 1, i.e 2.10 but not 2.8.

So yes I'm  happy to merge and update tags I guess, with the understanding that 
we won't run the release machinery again or similar. I am assuming the target 
audience is the download-and-compile script which doesn't care about the 
release side of things.


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