David Megginson wrote:

The C-172p (which you mentioned) and PA-28-161 handle very accurately.
The C-310 is flyable, if a little klunky. The J3 Cub works well, as
the the Wright Flyer (it's almost unflyable, but so is the real
thing). The DC-3 is usable, if not entirely realistic -- the main
problem is the panel. The BO-105 helicopter is also flyable, but does
not support autorotations yet. That's about all I regularly fly -- of
lot of the jets work, but I don't know how realistic their handling
is; the turbine engines are certainly oversimplified compared to our
piston engine support (which is maybe 70% accurate right now).

Don't forget the seahawk, hunter, p-51, a4, and spitfire which are all pretty complete packages including full 3d cockpits.

Lee E's creations (a10, b-52, an225, tsr2, comperswift, and yf23) are also a lot of fun if you don't mind that they have no 3d cockpit, and the 2d panel is more of a debugging tool. The external visuals and animations are as good as anything I've seen ... check out the gear compression animation on these when you break hard or touch down. They also fly very nice (but the performance is a bit more speculative in many cases.) These models have a lot of hidden details that you have to hunt around to see. For instance, on some of the jets, watch closely when you drop a couple notches of flaps ...

The beech1900 has a pretty good first cut at the flight dynamics and flies quite nicely. The YAsim turboprop modeling is pretty simplistic at this point, it has a nice, but only-2d instrument panel, and the external visual model is a straight import from a simple FS98 model. But, I think there is someone working on a much nicer 3d model which should really add to this one. Hopefully as our turboprop modeling gets better we will see a lot more of this class aircraft.



Curtis Olson http://www.flightgear.org/~curt HumanFIRST Program http://www.humanfirst.umn.edu/
FlightGear Project http://www.flightgear.org
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