Paul Surgeon wrote:
On Sunday, 3 October 2004 11:52, Erik Hofman wrote:

Does the same happen with different aircraft?
Is there anything special in your .fgfsrc file or command line option?
Does setting --log-level=info shows anything else?

I tried to load the 172, 737, 747, asw20 and I get the same error.
I can't find the hidden file called fgfsrc - is it a problem if it's missing?

On UNIX it could be located in your home directory. It's perfectly fine if it's not there, it just a file that can contain your personal preferences.

--log-level=info shows no extra info

I tried to run it with gdb and it gave me this :
Program received signal SIG32, Real-time event 32.
0x4002b714 in pthread_getconcurrency () from /lib/i686/

Did you do a make clean before building the packages?
Also, is there any chance there is an old version of one of those packages around that the compiler could have picked up at compile time?

If all of that fails then I'm afraid there might be a problem with OpenAL on your system (one way to check this is to compile FlightGear by specifying --without-threads).


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