Chris Metzler wrote:

My framerates are, for the most part, good enough that I've been
experimenting with the values in materials.xml, increasing the
surface density of ground structures.  I was able to double the
density of all the urban structures without a significant frame
rate hit (but with some odd results in the timing of the first
render for many of the structures).  But sadly, the one I most
wanted to up -- the tree density -- can't really be adjusted.
There are already a lot of trees, even at low densities; and if
I double the surface density, I get tons of "DList stack overflow"
messages and the framerate drops to 2.  It's a shame, because I'd
love for the forests to be more flush.

I have been experimenting with using the ssgaBillboards class as used in the shrubs demo of plib (plib/examples/src/ssg/shrubs/) Although I got it working I never got the trees to show up in the scenery (they might well be displayed at the other end of the earth because I have little experience with coordination systems).

If you want a challenge you might want to look at that.


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