Frederic Bouvier wrote:

Quoting "Curtis L. Olson" :

Rahul Prasad wrote:

Can someone help me configure FlightGear to run on multiple PC’s? I am
trying to set up a master node that is connected to the input device,
and slave nodes that take there input from the master. I’m running
FlightGear under Linux and using the command line options pasted
below. FlightGear starts normally (except for audio initialization…I
have not installed OpenAL). However, the input of the slave does not
get tied to the master, and after exiting FlightGear, the console
prints an error message stating that the command
–native=socket,in,30,204.85.191,13001,udp is not recognized.

I took a look at the FlightGear command line options, and noticed the
documentation for the –native switch, but could not find any
documentation for the protocol of the parameters required by –native.


fgfs --fg-root=/usr/lib/FlightGear/data
--fg-scenery=/usr/lib/FlightGear/data/Scenery --disable-random-objects
--enable-horizon-effect --enable-enhanced-lighting --telnet=5501

--native=socket,in,30,,13001,udp --enable-ai-models
--httpd=5502 --view-offset=-180.0

If you are reading data in, you don't need (want?) to specify a host name/ip.
Something like the following should work:

For the master:


And then for the slave:


Do you need --fdm=null or --fdm=external on the slave, or is it implied by
--native-fdm ?

Yes, I believe you want to include --fdm=null on the slave command lines to disable the internal dynamics calculations.

Thanks for pointing that out.


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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