Kitts wrote:

I am looking forward to something and would want input from all you Flightgear users and developers.

If i have not mentioned before, I am a mechanical engineer and an aero-modeler. I have also been a electronics hobbyist since my childhood. I set out to combine my abilities in these areas.

Apart from just plain simple model flying i decided to do something more and built some avionics with sensors to put onto my model aircrafts. The embedded software is nearing completion and i am currently working to the communication part of it. Now what follows is the interesting part to me...

Hi Kitts,

I think there are at least a few others involved in FlightGear that are doing or have plans of doing similar things ... myself included. I actually have two projects in the works. One through the University of Minnesta where I assembled the airframe and am now the chief test pilot ( and the second is my home project where I have to figure out everything myself (

Do you have any sort of web site for your project or pictures or details of exactly what you are doing? As my own projects progress, I'm becoming increasingly interested in this stuff.

I would like to use FLightGear as the Ground Control System (GCS) for my aircraft thus throwing it into the class of mini UAV's. My current thoughts supports an ASCII mode and a binary mode of communication. The ASCII mode is much like NMEA protocol. This is the part that i have finished developing (ASCII is easy for debugging ;-)). I am yet to implement the binary mode of communication.

I think this sort of thing is very doable. If you have a gps onboard and can transmit that data to your ground station, that get's you pretty far. You can compute estimates for a lot of the parameters that aren't available directly from the gps. If you pass this data to FlightGear, then you immediately have a system that provides a live synthetic view from the perspective of your UAV. You can also adapt or create a 2d panel which would give you a set of live gauges ... heading, altitude, velocity, rate of climb (est), attitude (est). You could do this as old style steam gauges, you could do it as a hud, or even possibly a modern looking glass cockpit, or all of the above.

In using FlightGear as a GCS, i would like to receive any inputs from fellow users and developers. How complicated would it be to do this. My current thoughts are as follows;

I start flightgear with --fdm=external (or NULL; What is the difference?)

--fdm=null is the proper form, --fdm=external is the same thing and is there for historical reasons.

and set it to receive a generic protocol over the serial port and at say, 4Hz. The generic protocol is suitably written to accept 6 degree of freedom information from my device.

Simultaneously, i would like to transmit control surface information which my device will receive and accordingly control the servos onboard.

Ahh, ok, so you want to live dangerously! This I think is doable, although I'd be a bit worried about latencies and lags and the PIO's that might result if you aren't careful. If it was me, I'd at least make the system self stable (IR co-pilot, or something gyro based) so that I wouldn't have to manually keep the wings level or hold a particular pitch or speed. The ground station could send higher level commands like fly to such and such waypoint, or hold such and such heading and altitude ...

While this just might work, i want to do better than this and hence plan accordingly. I would like to extend the protocol to be more configurable, and interactive.

There has been discussion of implimenting an xml configurable binary format. That doesn't help you if you want to adjust the fields in real time, but I'm not sure you want to add that kind of complexity to a system where a very small bug can ruin your day/week/month.

Further, I have video being streamed from onboard the aircraft in an analog form. To convert this i use a TV tuner and interface it with the computer. I got myself an external Pinnacle PCTV USB2 tuner so i can use with a laptop, but unfortunately cant get it to work on linux where i do my development. Anyway, assuming that i get the drivers configured right, i would like to get the video too into FlightGear be it running on any platform.

Someone mentioned that they were working on integrating a live video stream into FlightGear. Perhaps you can search the archives, or perhaps they will speak up. I got the impression that they managed to get something working, but that it might have been kind of a hack job specific to their particular needs. No code was submitted to the project that I'm aware of.

Here is my estimate of what needs to be done to achieve all of this through FlightGear.

1) Add another protocol under Network which can communicate with my hardware and read/modify internal properties appropriately. I will have to add more property values for this device.

Adding a protocol is pretty straight forward, but you may want to double check if you can use or adapt an existing protocol.

2) Add menu items that provide user interface with the hardware. This may not be very difficult as from what i recollect reading, FlightGear provides facility for adding menus etc.?

Adding menus to adjust property values is pretty straight forward and all xml configurable. If you need to put function call backs behind your menus, that would be some additional effort.

3) Add parameters to the Headsup Display. This again i remember reading as configurable?

The HUD is xml configurable, although I've never dug into it to see what the limits are.

4) Embed a small window where live video is displayed. Preferably it should be possible toggle full screen live Video and embed FlightGears native Scenery display. I should also be able to save the video synchronized with all other property values.

I suppose the major challenge is with the 4th point while the rest are relatively easy. Correct me if i am wrong.

Yes, I think #4 presents the most technical challenges, but it shouldn't at all be insurmountable. Let us know how you do. :-)

Another important thing is the FDM. What should i use? I am unable to send all data set in the --native protocol from onboard. Is there a possibility that i fly with the FDM running locally and i only update values that i can?

That won't work ... I would just run with --fdm=null and pass in the data that you do have. Optionally you can compute estimates for things you don't have just to make the display prettier.

I am not a C++ programmer but a C programmer in the embedded world. I am just stepping into C++ with FlightGear. Any advise,suggestions or guidance that helps is most welcome.

C++ knowledge comes in handy when you are writing a lot of new code, but if you are just modifying or adapting existing code, I'm pretty sure that a reasonable amount of "C" knowledge will allow you to bluff your way through. I started out mostly just knowing "C", even today I sometimes wonder if I might still code/think more like a "C" programmer than a "C++" programmer. I certainly tend to avoid the fancier and more obscure C++ constructs in my own code. I like to keep things readable, at least for myself, it's hard to say if any one else can read my code. But I will tend to [try to] err on the side of readabity over performance in most cases.

FlightGear is truly an amazing piece of work with huge potential. I just want to add one more possibility. Does anybody already use it for such a purpose?

You aren't the first to have this thought cross your mind, but certainly there is a lot of room to advance the state of the art here (at least as far as flight gear is concerned) and make FlightGear much more conducive towards this sort of thing.

What are you using for your wireless data link? I need to come up with some sort of cheap wireless modem for my hobby project. The most important feature for me will need to be "cheap". :-)



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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