David Luff wrote:
Change it to true to enable AI GA traffic, and crank it up to 2 or 3 to get 
lots.  (You can do this from the AI-ATC menu entry, but will then have to wait 
a bit longer for the traffic to appear).  If you tune in to a towered airport, 
you should then hear (see!) the dialog, and if you communicate with the tower 
as well you may to asked to land following one of them, or to go around landing 
too close behind one.  It's all a bit, erm, beta ;-), and has been known to 
crash the sim (hence the disablement by default).  You won't see AI GA traffic 
at KSFO in order to avoid a clash with Dave/Durk's airliner models.  I can't 
remember offhand if they're enabled at KOAK or KSJC, but KRHV, KLVK, KHWD and 
KSQL are all good places in the base package to see them.  KHAF is untowered so 
none there.

I've seen them at KOAK, but why does KHAF have a tower in scenery if it has no tower in reality?

Giles Robertson

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