On Wednesday 17 August 2005 20:12, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> but I am still trying to figure out where to enter the  command.

I suspect you'd be best forgetting about trying to start FG from the command 
line for the moment...

If you are using the Windows FlightGear launcher and the added aircraft are 
not appearing in the selection panel, your most likely problem is that you've

1) Not uncompressed the downloaded tgz files

or possibly most likely 2) Uncompressed them in the wrong place.

You need to find your flightgear directory (as I don't use Windows, I can't 
remember where the default location is).  In your FlightGear directory you 
should have a directory called "Aircraft".

This directory should contain a subdirectory for each aircraft installed, and 
nothing else (no files at all).  This is where you should extract your 
downloaded aircraft to.  Had you downloaded the Spitfire for example, you 
should have, within the Aircraft "folder" a directory named Spitfire which in 
turn contains subdirectories and several files including the aircraft-set.xml 

If all these things are correct, I would be amazed if the downloaded aircraft 
don't appear in the flightgear launcher selection window; I dare say some of 
the Windows users here can correct me if I'm talking nonsense.



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