On Saturday 10 September 2005 06:29, RtX wrote:
> Is it hard to create airports in FG?

If you mean the terminal buildings etc themselves, then the answer is 
definitely no - it's easy if you can do 3d modelling (and probably as easy as 
3d modelling gets, too).  You could use Blender, or if you want something 
easier to learn but less capable, AC3D.  AC3D costs money too, although not 

You can submit your models to the Flightgear scenery database, which I 
mentioned earlier in this thread.

If you mean layout runways, taxiways, etc - the answer to that is also 
probably no, not really - you can use taxidraw 
(http://taxidraw.sourceforge.net/).  The downside to this process is that you 
can't use your modified runway/taxiway layouts immediately, you need to 
rebuild part of the scenery, which is _not_ a simple task.  You can, however, 
submit your improved airfield to Robin Peel of X-Plane fame for inclusion, 
and wait for the next general scenery build.


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