AJ MacLeod wrote:
> On Sunday 13 November 2005 04:04, Innis Cunningham wrote:
>>As at a casual glance there seems to be many instances of more than
>>one waypoint with the same name in the data base 
> Not just fixes, either - airfields, too.  EG73 (Fearn) for example, once 
> worked fine - but somewhere along the line, somebody added some tiny strip in 
> Englandshire and called it (incorrectly, AFAIK) EG73 too.  I don't think this 
> is the only example, either... Must this sort of thing be sorted out at Robin 
> Peel's end?
> AJ
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Airport data gets periodically overwritten by Robin's data, so yes.
Plus, it is the polite thing to do. X-Plane users aren't bad people,
just a little misdirected. Heck, I used to be one :) I would drop him an
e-mail pointing out the duplication, possible after doing some research
on the new mystery field.


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