Quoting MPCEE French Bureau:

> Bonjour Fred:
> Je suis en France dans l'Auvergne. Si je parle très forte, tant pis, mais
> après beaucoup des heures, avec des autres, en tant que je peux dissiper des
> problèmes, je continua comme ça !
> Little is given to Windows' users and we have to find ways to resolve our
> issues. We did not have access to the "pre" versions, but, yes, we are left
> to resolve them ourselves. There are some list members who have given hours
> of their time to assist us. Like me, we thank them for this. In the main it

I am a windows user and I built this binary. Others did the same with success.
About binaries, I built several between 0.9.8 and 0.9.9, including -pre3 (now
deleted), that were put at ftp://ftp.ihg.uni-duisburg.de/FlightGear/Win32/. I
didn't heard much feedback about them.

> may be a graphics card/driver problem, but then again we are in the mass
> market and developers SHOULD remember this.

What is the market you are talking about. What is the product we *SELL* and how
much did you pay for.

> I am too old and can go far
> back, but there was a spirit in being able to share information. Times are
> changing and nowadays, these persons are few and far between. The spirit of
> Flight Gear is excellent, but it is becoming too big and splintered, with
> what seem many unfinished projects and no control over its ultimate
> direction. We have even had one aircraft developer recently say that he
> created an aircraft, but did not expect anyone to use it! His response was
> to someone asking why the cockpit was not finished!!! Why was it made
> available for download?

I think its clear but you probably didn't catch this : I *share* what I have and
 what I want to, in the hope others will share the complement of my own
contribution. I build binaries, fix some bugs, contribute some code, model some
buildings and write fgsd and in return I get a nice flight simulator that do
something I wouldn't have done myself. For that I spent a lot of time and a lot
of money keeping my hardware current. This system is based on sharing, but too
many people here are only sharing their problems.

> There are big issues with this release and, so far, it seems to be Windows
> related. As for non-Windows operating systems and the types of problems we

No, in your case, I only see a graphic hardware problem, and a vendor that is
not willing to support OpenGL like it is supporting DirectX. It is also a
matter of a hardware that is hardly capable of 3D at all. Did you try Blender,
or the demo version of Quake, or X-Plane ? I also could whine that this crappy
flightgear doesn't work with my S3 Virge PCI board, but I don't. Instead I
chose my hardware carefully. It is sad that in the end, Flightgear is only
working correctly with NVidia hardware, but this is how the hardware market has

The other problems are Linux related, with new features not supported by ATI
drivers. The only solution I can see is to detect that problem at runtime and
disable the features. And remember that FG does not use (yet) the more advanced
capabilities of modern cards.

> are reading about, these seem to be, in the main, related to how "script" or
> "codes are written" and where to find the relevant information. What we are
> seeing is more discontent and this is going to grow. With previous versions,
> we heard that this or that would be resolved in the next release or new
> script (which cannot be accessed for Windows). We now have the latest

I never saw promises in that group. Remember, we are not in the market and we
have nothing to sell.

> version, but the pre release was not available for Windows' users. As I said
> the mass market is Windows and if we were able to access developments as
> they happened, there would be more individuals available to comment on or
> inform of problems. As it is, it is afterwards and too late to do anything
> about it. If the problems were resolved, would Windows' users have access to
> the changes when immediately needed? Then, in answering your question, would
> I donate for development - yes, but only when I was assured that it
> benefited Windows' users. At this time it does not.

Chicken-n-eggs problem here. I am not willing to buy crappy hardware just to
please others, and you are not willing to share.

Again you are generalizing by mis-qualifying the issue. There are a lot of happy
Windows users. I hope there will be more Windows developpers in the future as
Microsoft is giving away their Visual C++ 2005 Express for one year. I already
spent a lot of time making flightgear to compile with this new compiler.

Developers here


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