[STR Closed w/Resolution]

Link: http://www.fltk.org/str.php?L1784
Version: 2.0-current
Fix Version: 2.0-current

This sounds like it should never happen; as things are scrolled redraw()
will be called, but redraw() should also redraw labels. Since the label is
drawn over the top of the button, and the button is redrawn, the label will
also be damaged (and thus redrawn).

I can't reproduce this on my system, and I'm guessing there were a few
updates between r5940 and now (r8662). As such, I'm going to close this
STR on the assumption that the issue has been fixed; please refile a new
one if this bug does in fact still exist.

Link: http://www.fltk.org/str.php?L1784
Version: 2.0-current
Fix Version: 2.0-current

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