On 12/10/11 23:24, David wrote:
> Just use fl_choice with a long string with no white space.  
> "The path is:
> How/about/a/long/path/that/has/no/spaces/in/it/but/you/want/to/ensure/the/full/path/shows/when/it/is/displayed/on/the/message."

        BTW, I'd suggest the OP derive their own widget to achieve the
        requirements of your app, eg. one that uses Fl_Text_Display to
        display the text (so that scrollbars appear if the text is too long).
        This would also allow copy/paste from the text field.

        This has been suggested for fl_choice(), but I forget why it
        was rejected.

        fl_choice() and friends are for very simple situations, and should
        probably instead be superseded by a class based widget that allows
        options for using more modern text display methods
        eg. (Fl_Box/Fl_Multiline_Output/Fl_Text_Display/Fl_Help_View..)
        and has more flexible features such as being able to set the
        min/max width + height for the dialog, and so that a ^C
        (or on macs, Meta-C) can 'copy' the entire text of the dialog,
        even if the underlying widget isn't selectable. (Surprisingly,
        something that works with eg. simple Windows error dialogs)
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