matthiasm wrote:

> Please file STRs for both issues, preferably with patches ;-)
> Thanks.
> On 29.09.2008, at 18:28, Alvin wrote:
>> Carlos Pita wrote:
>>> I'm not sure if I must report this as a bug, tell me so if it's the
>>> case.
>>> Most fluid windows don't play nice with tiling windows managers
>>> (wmii,
>>> awesome, dwm, xmonad, ratpoison) which depends on the class or
>>> instance of
>>> a window to be able to put it into a floating layer or layout.
>> I have had a similar problem with FLTK apps and Compiz's animation
>> rules.
>> For example, from what I can tell, all windows in FLTK 1.3.x apps
>> (incl.
>> fluid itself) have a type of Unknown. As a result, FLTK windows do not
>> follow the same animation rules as my other windows (KDE mostly). I
>> have
>> the same animation for all FLTK windows rather than different ones for
>> dialogs, normal windows, etc. From using xprop, I believe the
>> setting has
>> to do with _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE(ATOM).
> ----

I'm up for it, but I need a little clarification.

I've checked the source and this is what I see:

* When show(argc, argv) is called (in Fl_arg.cxx) for the first window of
the application, a check is made to see if xclass() has been set. If not,
argv[0] is used. I have tested this and, sure enough, if I make a symlink
called turnip to my program, the WM_CLASS is set to "turnip","Turnip".

Now, my apps have their main(int,char**) created by fluid. I'm not sure what
happens when the show() is called instead of show(int,char**). If someone
can tell me, it would be greatly appreciated.

* Should the xclass() of other Fl_Windows (and its derivatives) be
automatically set when show() is called? That is, of course, if not already
set? If so, what should it be set to: (1) The same as the first window? Is
that valid? (2) Or a distinct name, something like <first window
xclass>#<xid of the Fl_Window being shown>. For example, the automatic
xclass code would create something
like "fluid#0xdeadbeaf", "Fluid#0xdeadbeaf" when the widget properties
dialog is shown.

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