On 29 Sep 2008, at 19:14, matthiasm wrote:
> I won't go into detail, but it is enough to know that there are
> illegal sequences, for example, "ös" in ISO genrates a byte sequence
> that would be illegal in utf8. Maybe MSWindwos and OS X recognize
> illegal sequences and assume ISO encoding.

There is an attempt, of sorts, in the fltk code to catch some of  
these illegal sequences and assume they are from ISO-8859-1 or CP1252  
(see the relevant macros in fl_utf.c) which is enabled by default.

I suspect this doesn't work all that well, particularly on linux/XFT,  
where I suspect that this workaround is partly inhibited by my  
decision to render the text strings using XftDrawStringUtf8() directly.

However, I have not looked at this in any real detail, and I don't  
have the time just now... If, for example, the text renders OK in  
fltk/linux/non-XFT, then my theory may have some merit.
But, if it is equally broken in builds either with or without XFT  
enabled, then Something Else is going on, and I really have no idea  
right now what!

> The correct way though
> would be to convert all source files from ISO to UTF8.

Oh yes.
Albrecht's concern, I think, was that his server's wouldn't  
understand utf-8 (presumably for paths or filenames) so there can be  
issues there also. I think this works OK for me since all may  
filenames and paths are ASCII, and ASCII==utf8 for the range of  
characters my language uses, but I can see that if your paths or  
filenames include character values outside the base 127 ASCII values,  
then the utf8 mapping might be, erm, "less convenient".

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