On 08/26/11 10:27, Greg Ercolano wrote:
> On 08/26/11 09:05, Matthias Melcher wrote:
>> If anyone has code that can act as a frontend to command line tools,
>> and that can handle stdin, stdout, stderr, and signals simultaneously,
>> please send code ;-). I need some kind of simple FLTK text terminal.
>       This is as close as I'd ever gotten to that:
>       http://seriss.com/people/erco/fltk/#SimpleTerminal
>       It's pretty much a dumb terminal; you can only append,
>       and of course it doesn't understand ANSI sequences.
>       But it does handle stdin,out,err.

    Oh wait, since it uses popen() to read output from the cmds,
    it probably /doesn't/ handle stdin.

    Mmm, it probably could by replacing popen() with pipe()'s
    and fork()/exec(), with select() to watch the stdout/err pipe,
    and trapping keystrokes yourself and sending them to the stdin

    Tricky though. I'd do it myself, but this week is nuts for me
    schedule wise.

    Perhaps someone else has something further along..
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