On 10/19/11 14:17, David wrote:

>>> Browser (listview) widget that allows column titles,
>>> column alignment (left/right/middle), column widths (fixed or resizable),
>>> clickable column titles for sorting, icons, checkboxes, etc..

>> See Fl_Table and Fl_Table_Row which provide such features.

> But Fl_Table and Fl_Table_Row seem complicated vs Fl_Browser
> which is more like a listview control.  You add items and it
> controls most everything, not where I'd have to control everything.

    I think if you mess around with e.g. the table-as-container.cxx
    example program, you'll find it's not all that bad; minus the
    LGPL comments, it's only 129 lines for a fully working program
    that has resizable rows and columns and you can put any kinds
    of widgets inside the cells (check boxes, icons, etc).

    I'd reopen your RFE if you really found that wasn't suitable.

    As for sorting and clickable row/col headers, that's just
    adding an event handler to the above. But yes, you do have
    to handle sorting data yourself.

    Sounds like you're looking for a rewrite of Fl_Browser
    that acts more as a container widget. I think this was done
    in FLTK2, and perhaps that can be back ported.

    As much as I love Fl_Browser and its features and speed,
    it's not really a flexible container widget that one might
    expect. But it is quite amazing in how efficiently it handles
    large amounts data.

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