On 12/15/11 01:28, MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) wrote:
>>      That's true -- technically I should have used:
>>              #define BOLD_OFF "\e[21m"
>>      ..but \e[0m is so much easier to remember to turn off everything :P
> Ah, we may be talking at crossed-purposes - I was not meaning to be
> pedantic about your ESC sequences, rather I was saying that I spent so
> long working with those sequences that (to me) they are just as readable
> as html mark-up!

        Oh, "burned-in" to your brain, yes I see.
        Me as well, though we're probably a minority on this group ;)

> That said, and being pedantic after all, I'd caution against using
> <ESC>[21m to turn bold off, as in my experience it wasn't all that
> widely supported. (Though things may have got better since then, it was
> a while ago!)

        Not too concerned about what other terminals don't support,
        as long as we do, and document it.

        I guess we can make our own extensions too, though would
        have to be careful with that.

        Setting font faces would be nice.. IIRC there was a Vt100
        sequences for 'double wide text' that could somehow be
        'extended' to at support FLTK font numbers.

        Other terminals certainly take liberties with how we implement
        certain features, as long as it's done respecting existing specs.

> I found that the most portable option, if I wanted to toggle BOLD off,
> was to use <ESC>[0m to turn off everything, then turn back on whatever
> other attributes were set, since the "21m" sequence only seemed to work
> on some devices, not on others...

        Yes, me as well.. in DOS days, whatever ANSI.SYS supported was
        of primary importance, and I think my \e[0m habit started there.

        Doing a quick test, looks like gnome-terminal supports "12m"
        but xterm and konsole don't. So indeed, not well supported,
        as the wikipedia page warns.

        Can't test my linux console; for some reason bold and unbold
        look the same on this monitor.. too lazy to noodle in my
        monitor's digital menu. I sure miss knobs.

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