On 05/10/12 06:07, David Currie wrote:
> How does one control the text caret in Fl_Text_Display.
> I mean the TEXT cursor (caret) not the mouse cursor ?

        To control its on/off state, show_cursor(1|0),
        To control its position, insert_position(pos).

        For the user to move it, you click the mouse
        where you want it to be.

        Oddly, I don't think there's a way for the user
        to use keyboard navigation to control the caret's position;
        I think it only responds to ^A (select all) and ^C (copy).

        As a side note to the devs: is it an omission that there
        appears to be no way for the user to use keyboard nav
        (like there is with Fl_Multiline_Output) to control
        the copy/paste caret?
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