On 02/22/13 18:03, Patrick wrote:
> I only use Linux but I would like to learn a little more about 
> developing on Windows.

> Could you tell me where the necessary Visual 
> Studio files are. Maybe I will try a suicide mission and give it a try 
> in the next couple of months.

        See the fltk ide subdirectory..

        There's different project files for each test program, and a meta file
        (.dsw or .sln) that ties them all together.

        There's separate VS6, 2008, and 2010 dirs because often the VS IDE
        would sometimes loose forwards compatibility with itself.

        There are VS versions that are free. (It used to cost hundreds of 

        Normally you would load the appropriate fltk.dsw or fltk.sln file
        into the VS IDE, and the use the interface to make changes.

        I made an FLTK video ages ago on how to compile FLTK in VS which
        gives an idea of how to use the VS ide to build FLTK. It shows the
        adage, "those that don't know, teach" cause I'm really the last person
        to show how VS works cause I never use it, ever. Just learned enough
        to make the video because so many folks voiced trouble on the group..

        Figured if I could learn enough to make it work, I could make a video
        showing how to use it so that others wouldn't have to flail through the
        learning process (like I did, lol)

        Many folks these days use the gnu compiler with the unix utilities
        on windows (mingw + msys) to have a familiar make/bash environment,
        and build/run/release very stable FLTK apps with that.

        VS introduced a lot of stuff in their free version years ago that
        drove devs crazy; WinSxS, manifests, and a few other things..
        though perhaps some of that has stabilized by now, not sure.
        I've stayed with the older VS compilers for my apps to avoid
        that whole mess, and build both FLTK and my apps with VS's
        command line interface using a gnu makefile addon for FLTK
        that I prefer to maintain.
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