On 05/18/12 23:21, david_ai...@yahoo.com wrote:
> hi all..
> I would like to place an OpenGL window into a wizard, but I'm new to fltk so 
> my source has some problems.

        You need to create the opengl window inside the first group.

        So just move this line from where it is:

           mygl = new MyGlWindow(10, 10, W-20, H-80);

        ..over to here:

        // Wizard: page 1
            // **************************************************
            // 1. OpenGL window. Want this to appear only in page 1.
            // Currently it overlaps on top of the Fl_Multiline_Output
            // windows.
            // **************************************************
            Fl_Group *g = new Fl_Group(0, H-60, W, 60);
            mygl = new MyGlWindow(10, 10, W-20, H-80);   //// <<< MOVE HERE <<<
            Fl_Button *next = new Fl_Button(290,H-30,100,25,"Next"); 

        This ensures the window will be attached (parented)
        to that first group that comprises the first wizard page.
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