On 09/10/11 12:40, corvid wrote:
> Which environments tend to use Space to trigger buttons?

    Linux is one.

    For instance if I run system-config-date (just picking a system
    gui at random), if I tab focus to the "Help" key, both Space and Enter
    trigger the button.

    Also, Thunderbird 6.0.2 (Linux) I upgraded to this morning,
    'space' triggers buttons that have focus in the "Preferences" dialogs.
    (as does Enter)

    Space-triggered buttons are probably a holdover from old
    X application behavior, which FLTK has its original roots.

    FLTK was originally designed on SGI's in the mid 90's,
    before the PC standard behaviors were adopted, where the
    emacs culture was used for GUI text editing functions.

    We've been slowly trying to identify and remove these
    X specific holdovers in favor of prevailing standards.

    Emacs editing keys like ^A (move to start of line)
    had to be replaced with 'select all'. Tab keys doing
    focus navigation is something we recently addressed
    in the final months before 1.3.0 was released.
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