On 10/27/11 17:55, Jim Jozwiak wrote:
> OK, I am satisfied.  Just one more thing mystifies me.
> On the FLTK homepage it says:
> Oct. 4th, 2011: FLTK 1.3.1 final release, fixing a possible hang in 
> pulldown menus.

        1.3.1 hasn't been released yet.

        I think you're missing the part on the front page
        that says:

Release Schedule        
This is the action list for FLTK development for the next weeks.
*Dates may shift depending on the work load and schedules*
of the core developers.

        ..so those dates aren't firm.

        If 1.3.1 had released, it'd say "was released", and there'd
        be a tar file in the Download section and an announcement
        on fltk.announce and fltk.general.

> Oct. 11th, 2011: FLTK 1.3.2rc1 will fix various smaller bugs and 
> inconviniences.

        That's definitely not released yet, and is a release 'candidate'
        (rc1 == Release Candidate #1)
        So that indeed would only be on SVN.

> But on Download page, none of these versions of FLTK appear!  You don't 
> mean that my users have to use subversion to get the source, do you????

        Until the core devs do the actual release, you won't see
        tar files.
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