On 11/03/11 17:17, David wrote:
> It's on the fl_choice message prompt, not menu items.

        Oh, I see.. you're talking about fl_choice() [the dialog function],
        whereas I thought you meant the Fl_Choice widget [which has a
        pulldown menu, and doesn't wrap the menu items]

        AFAIK, FLTK doesn't have a hard wrap option, not just
        in label()s but even in output widgets like Fl_Output
        and Fl_Multiline_Output.

        So I /think/ you might still have to pre-format
        such a line with line breaks to get it to fit
        in a way you'd want.

        I'd agree there probably should be a way to hardwrap
        a line like that. Perhaps an RFE for a hardwrap() method,
        or overload the wrap() method to allow 0|1|2, where 2 would
        be a hard wrap.
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