On 11/04/11 10:02, Ian MacArthur wrote:
> What we always did in the "olden days" (i.e. before threads become 
> commonplace)
> was have the GUI and the task in separate processes, with a socket between 
> them for IPC.
> Pain I.T.A. to set up, but at least once you had it working you got network
> transparency thrown in for free...

        Once a friend was writing a cross-platform plugin to a major third party
        commercial GUI app, and wanted to use FLTK to post dialog (a file 
        The app used its own GUI toolkit, and he didn't want to take chances
        destabilizing the main app by having the two gui toolkits compete for
        the window manager events and whatnot.

        I helped him set it up where we made a small FLTK app that opened the
        file browser to the dir his app wanted, and then read back whatever
        the user picked. No sockets involved, just stdin/stdout pipes and
        command line flags. I think we used popen() across both platforms,
        but it's so long ago, I can't remember the details. I believe it was
        pretty easy, but that might be the fog of time..

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