On 11/17/11 13:56, Ian MacArthur wrote:
> On 17 Nov 2011, at 21:07, Domingo Alvarez Duarte wrote:
>> I was looking again at http://tkhtml.tcl.tk/index.html and found that they  
>> did a great advance with their HTML engine that is basically pure C code  
>> with a bit of tcl help, this html engine could be a great start point to  
>> make a very good html widget for FLTK.
> How usable would the Dillo code be? 
> That might be a good basis, and at least we know it works nicely with fltk!

        I imagine a big issue to watch for is external lib dependencies.

        I could see where the more fully implemented an HTML browser might be,
        the more dependencies it will have on a wide variety of external libs.

        I think any such widget we include in FLTK as a built-in
        should either be entirely self contained and "unbloated"
        (ie. would not double FLTK's source code size),
        or an option (like Cairo).

        Without looking at any code, it seems 'webkit' is a good choice
        on the 'full implementation' end of the spectrum.

        It has neat extensions that make it usable in standalone apps,
        and seems to be the way things are going for high end apps.
        (Not exactly our mission goal, but there it is)

        I'm guessing webkit also has a very large "spanning tree"
        of dependencies, the likes of which would drive most cross-platform devs
        to self-defenestrate. Offhand: http://trac.webkit.org/wiki/BuildingGtk

        I think GTK+ and QT have both embraced webkit,
        as well as Apple (Safari, iPhones, iPads, etc)

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