On 01/16/12 14:28, ORL wrote:
> I need to get the parent of a Fl_Box type to determine what the handle method 
> does.
> To be more accurate, I need to check if the parent class is light_xyPad
> (which is a class I've written, quite close to Fl_Group, but with some 
> private variables).

        AFAIK, FLTK doesn't use RTTI; quoting the docs for Fl_Widget::type():

                "FLTK does not use RTTI (Run Time Typing Information), to 
enhance portability.
                 But this may change in the near future if RTTI becomes 
standard everywhere.

                "If you don't have RTTI you can use the clumsy FLTK mechanism, 
by having
                 type() use a unique value. These unique values must be greater 
than the
                 symbol FL_RESERVED_TYPE (which is 100) and less than FL_WINDOW
                 (unless you make a subclass of Fl_Window). Look through the 
header files
                 for FL_RESERVED_TYPE to find an unused number. If you make a 
                 of Fl_Window you must use FL_WINDOW + n (where n must be in 
the range 1 to 7)."

        I myself don't like to mess around with type(), since sometimes
        FLTK itself uses it internally.

        Is there any unique data that light_xyPad class saves in Fl_Widget?
        Like setting callback(), user_data() or label()?

        If so, you can test for that, eg:

                if ( box->parent()->callback() == what_you_want )
                if ( box->parent()->user_data() == what_you_want )
                if ( box->parent()->label() && strcmp(box->parent()->label(), 
what_you_want)==0 )

> (because I didn't figure out how to use type() function, always empty),

        type() is an integer IIRC that each widget can use for its
        own purposes, but doesn't have to use, and if unused it's probably 0.

        Its contents is not unique unless your derived class changes it
        to something above FL_RESERVED_TYPE (as defined above), but watch out
        that you don't affect the underlying FLTK widget's behavior if you use 

        Since your class derives from Fl_Group (and thereby, Fl_Widget),
        Fl_Widget is pretty small, so there are only a few things you can 
        Certainly callback() and user_data() and label() are safe things to 
        provided you set them to things you're sure will be unique for your 
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