On 01/20/12 05:04, MacArthur, Ian (SELEX GALILEO, UK) wrote:
>> I have considered making my own widget since i feel 
>> Fl_Text_Display is a bit of a cpu hog.
>> Any ideas are very welcome.
> I don't think I'd use a text display for that at all, I think I'd use a
> Fl_Browser, and derive from that to get the desired behaviour.
> Though if you need anything more than very basic text handling, maybe
> Fl_Text_* is the way to go.

> That said, IIRC Greg had an example of a simple chat widget on his
> cheat-sheet, maybe that might be useful to you?

        Hmm, don't think I made a chatter in FLTK.
        I did make a telnet based chat: 
        and a browser based web chat: 

        Perhaps you're thinking of a dumb terminal emulator
        that lets one type commands that run in a shell and
        see the stdout/err of the commands in an FLTK window:

        In that case I did use Fl_Text_Editor.
        I haven't really seen cpu issues with it, but I suppose
        it depends how you make use of it.

        I see the subject of this thread being URLs in text,
        which might mean the FLTK html widget is involved.
        That may have speed issues, as I think it has to re-parse
        everything when changes are made.

        If I needed a chat program that allowed URLs to be
        automatically clickable, hmm, yeah, might have to customize
        Fl_Text_* to do that.
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