On 02/07/12 22:04, leowang wrote:
> I have a question of set fltk color.
> I use color(0x0) to set background color to black, but it display white to 
> me, and if I use color(0x01010100), the display is black, so why 0x00000000 
> is not black in fltk?
> my fltk version is 2.0, and my system's color bit 32bpp.

        Hmm, yes, I can replicate in fltk2 current:

#include <fltk/Window.h>
#include <fltk/Widget.h>
#include <fltk/run.h>
using namespace fltk;
int main() {
  Window *window = new Window(300, 180);
  return run();

        FLTK 1.x works fine, so either it's a bug,
        or something odd about FLTK2.

        Setting it to 0x1 makes it red (expected),
        and the test/color_chooser shows the 0 color to be black,
        so unless there's a weird reason, it should work.

        Will wait for someone who knows FLTK2 better than I to reply.
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