On 05/13/12 18:17, Eugenio Bargiacchi wrote:
> I've made within my main window a Fl_Scroll.
> Inside it there is a Fl_Group, which has two Fl_Input and a Fl_Pack.
> Inside of the Fl_Pack there is a Fl_Button, which, if pressed, adds a 
> Fl_Input within the Fl_Pack and increases the size of the Fl_Group to house 
> the increased Fl_Pack.
> Fl_Window
>    '-- Fl_Scroll ( Vertical )
>           '-- Fl_Group
>                  +-- Fl_Input 1
>                  +-- Fl_Input 2
>                  '-- Fl_Pack ( Vertical )
>                         '-- Fl_Button ( adds Fl_Inputs to Fl_Pack )
> However, if the height of the Fl_Group exceeds the height of the Fl_Scroll 
> and I try to scroll down to see the added fields, the Fl_Scrolls fails to 
> render them.
> This happens as soon as the Fl_Scroll is scrolled. If I resize the Window so 
> that its new size is bigger than the Fl_Group, it is rendered correctly, but 
> as soon as I add more inputs and I try to scroll down, nothing is rendered.
> Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug? If the latter, is there a 
> workaround?

        Might need to see your code as a reduced *compilable* example
        (like the below).

        Fl_Scroll is a group already, so perhaps there's no need for
        the extra Fl_Group, and therefore can avoid having to 'grow' it
        when the pack enlarges.

        So for instance, if I remove the extra group, I end up with:

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Scroll.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Input.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Pack.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
void Add_CB(Fl_Widget *w, void *data) {
    Fl_Pack *pak = (Fl_Pack*)data;
    new Fl_Input(10,0,200,25);
int main() {
    Fl_Window *win = new Fl_Window(400,300);
    Fl_Scroll *scr = new Fl_Scroll(10,10,400-20,300-20);
    Fl_Input  *in1 = new Fl_Input(140,20,200,25,"Input 1");
    Fl_Input  *in2 = new Fl_Input(140,55,200,25,"Input 2");
    Fl_Button *but = new Fl_Button(140,90,100,25,"Add..");
    Fl_Pack   *pak = new Fl_Pack(10,135,400-40,10,"Pack");
    but->callback(Add_CB, (void*)pak);
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