On 03/15/13 08:02, memoryl...@tin.it wrote:
> I need a bit of thinking.
> I am writing an app for creating supervision screens on an embedded platform.
> All is ruled by a configuration text file : it is parsed from my program
> which then creates all the pages, the buttons for page jumps, the graphics 
> objects and so on.
> In general I do not know what there will be under my bargraph : maybe a 
> picture,
> maybe a filled background.
> The situation is more similar to the desktop you mentioned.
> For now the simplest solution I can imagine is to redraw the whole parent of 
> my object.
> Thanks a lot for your observations,

    If the image is assigned to the bargraph's group, then just telling
    the bargraph widget to redraw() will do it.

    But if the image is assigned to the parent window, then you'll have to
    tell the parent window to redraw.

    Be sure to use an Fl_Double_Window to prevent flickering during redraws.
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