How recently did you update?
Properties can have multiple columns and it was ambiguous whether you were
setting the name or adding an extra one, I've since updated the code to make
it a bit clearer. If I remember correctly your Apply should contain:

target.ColumnNames.Clear(); // make sure there are no other columns
specified first

On Sat, Mar 14, 2009 at 4:07 PM, JohnRudolfLewis <>wrote:

> I am playing with the latest conventions code and loving it so far.
> But when I tried to implement a convention for my column names to
> match what my Oracle DBA tells me I must do, I run into trouble.
> When I declare the following:
>    public class ColumnNameConvention : IPropertyConvention
>    {
>        public bool Accept(IProperty target)
>        {
>            return true;
>        }
>        public void Apply(IProperty target)
>        {
>            // ToUpperCaseUnderscore is an extension I declare
> elsewhere, it returns a string
>            target.ColumnName
> (target.Property.Name.ToUpperCaseUnderscore());
>        }
>    }
> I get the following errors:
>     FluentNHibernate.Cfg.FluentConfigurationException : An invalid or
> incomplete configuration was used while creating a SessionFactory.
> Check PotentialReasons collection, and InnerException for more detail.
>     NHibernate.MappingException : property mapping has wrong number
> of columns: MyMappingTest.DomainModel.User.PersonType type: String
> >

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