2016-08-11 13:33 GMT+01:00 mwpowellhtx <mwpowell...@gmail.com>:

> On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 8:22:07 AM UTC-4, Oskar Berggren wrote:
>> 2016-08-11 12:33 GMT+01:00 mwpowellhtx <mwpow...@gmail.com>:
>>> On Thursday, August 11, 2016 at 7:23:35 AM UTC-4, Rasmoo wrote:
>>>> That's exactly Oskar's trick: You call the proxy, into the proxied
>>>> object and get it to cast itself.
>>> No, that's not what Oskar wrote, one the one hand; see below:
>>> public TCastTarget As<TCastTarget>()
>>> {
>>>     return (TCastTarget)this;
>>> }
>>> This is not any different than what I attempted in the LINQ statement.
>> It is in fact completely different. It is applying the cast to an
>> entirely different object.
> How so? Watch what I did there.
> cup.Juice is a type of Juice, correct?

In this line you are attempting to cast the juiceProxy, which as expected
won't work:

> So I want ((AppleJuice) cup.Juice). With me so far?

But here, you need to take a moment to ponder which object the "this"
pointer *really* points to:

> Adding Juice.As<TJuice>() { return (TJuice) this; } is no different than
> doing the cast external to the instance.

Hint: It is NOT the proxy instance.

In memory you will have
    proxyInstance [points to]-> realInstance  (realInstance present _after_
it's been required for the first time)

And the call path will be something like this:
    proxyInstance.As<ConcreteType>() [calls]->
realInstance.As<ConcreteType>() { so when code here runs, "this" is
realInstance, not proxyInstance }

So as I said, the cast is being applied to a completely different object,
compared to when you apply the cast "externally". And that is a very
important difference, because it will actually work.

>> On the other hand, introducing an "UnproxiedObject" virtual property is
>>> too much. I want to keep the model itself as clean as possible without
>>> inverting proxy dependency inversions more than is necessary.
>> It is possible to provide both the As<T>() and "Unproxy()" methods as
>> extension methods instead of putting them in each class. The difference is
>> that the body of the method then need to explicitly check if the object is
>> a proxy and ask NHibernate for the real object before applying the cast.
> Well, I wouldn't put them in "each" class, for this contrived example, but
> usually that sort of thing would end up in a base class. Still, not very
> "Liskov", injecting DAL concerns in the domain layer.

The benefit of having it in the base class is that the implementation is
self-contained in the model, and doesn't depend on NHibernate. It will work

But yes, the fact that you need to use a special method instead of the
normal cast syntax is a leak in the ORM abstraction. We must be pragmatic
and apply the As<>() workaround, or try to use a pattern that avoids the
need for the cast.


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