> Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 16:16:01 +0100
> From: Peter Gebauer <peter.geba...@stockholm.bostream.se>
> Heya Jimmy!
> ...  Ideally,
> I'd like to retain XG 
> mode on my piano, but let fluidsynth interpret them as
> simple GM program 
> change messages.
> I've seen a few patches for GS (Roland), but none for
> XG and I've yet to
> come across a complete spec. Seems like most hackers just
> reverse enginere
> it. 

Before XG disappeared from Yamaha website, I think they did make some XG docs 
available at least for a short while.  That's what I could piece together from 
the waybackmachine.  There are quite a few free tools (win32, or java) from 
jososoft.dk site that deal with Yamaha style files for all kind of Yamaha 
keyboards, don't know how he does it, might be the reverse engineering trick.

> I do realize that there might be patent complications or
> similar, which
> is why I was looking to write code that doesn't really
> handle XG, but simply
> extracts whatever it needs to change the program number
> based on XG 
> messages, not really implementing XG as such.
> As it is, writing "prog # #" is easy enough,
> I'm not sure I want to spend
> hours reverse engineering XG to get the program change
> support. :/
> Anyway, thanks for your answer!

I think a bank select prior to prog change is expected with XG, not quite sure, 
but should not hurt.

You might want to try Alsa's arecordmidi to record just the midi portion you 
want and see if you can work from that.  There is a couple of midi2text, 
text2midi converter out there.  A perl one still be at




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