On Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 8:32 PM, Chris Robinson <chris.k...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 11/28/2013 10:51 AM, Element Green wrote:
>> Did you see any information that indicated that "mma" mode was supposed to
>> be GM2?
> When I read this old thread: <https://lists.nongnu.org/
> archive/html/fluid-dev/2012-07/msg00024.html>, it sounds implied. It
> lists GM, GS, XG, and GM2 as bank selection modes, but the modes available
> are 'gm', 'gs', 'xg', and 'mma'. And assuming MMA = MIDI Manufacturers
> Association, the group that creates/adopts the General MIDI specs, that
> leads me to think mma is supposed to be GM2.
> If that's not correct, then I apologize.

Good idea to read through the archives..  I also did this and came up with
a thread which occurred around the date when the code was checked in for
the synth.midi-bank-select option.  I came up with this email in particular
from Pedro which describes the MMA mode:

I was aware what MMA stood for, but I was not aware what it actually
correlated with as far as its intended effect.  Seems it reflects the
ability to specify a 14 bit bank number using bank MSB/LSB messages
according to that email.  So its not GM2.  I guess this means a gm2 option
could be added.  I'm personally curious though, why you chose GM2 as your
MIDI variation of choice?

>  What part of that Wikipedia article leads you to believe that channels 10
>> and 11 (9 and 10 as far as FluidSynth is concerned) can be switched to
>> melodic with GM2?
> Under "General requirements":
> Simultaneous Melodic Instruments – up to 16 (all Channels)
> Simultaneous Percussion Kits – up to 2 (Channel 10/11)
> That indicates that channels 10 and 11 (9 and 10) can be switched between
> melodic and percussion, to give up to 16 melodic channels (0 percussion) or
> up to 2 percussion channels (14 melodic), depending on your needs.

Now that a re-read that, it does indeed sound like it confirms the ability
to switch a percussion channel to be a melodic one.


Element Green
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