To broaden this topic slightly, I'm thinking that some form of data migration 
automation would also be important to have, in addition to updating design 
documents. For example, if a document structure is modified, we would want to 
have an automated way of updating existing data to the new structure.

Do we have anything currently existing to manage data migration and document 
structure evolution? If not, I'm thinking it would be worth including the topic 
in discussions on managing design documents.


From: fluid-work <> on behalf of Harnum, 
Alan <>
Sent: August 28, 2017 11:19:59 AM
To: Tony Atkins
Cc: Fluid Work
Subject: Re: CouchDB - managing design documents?

Hi Tony,

Thanks for the replies – we’ve also been looking at the various Couchapp 
implementations, but have been hesitant both for what you cite below (large 
additional stack of dependencies) and this part of the current CouchDB docs:, which discourages the 
previously-promoted “CouchApps” paradigm that the various CouchApp tools are 
designed to use. My sense is that the various Couchapp projects are not under 
terribly active development in light of this change in CouchDB’s latest 

I’d also be an advocate of a Fluid component for capturing views and perhaps 
other configuration aspects of an Infusion application that intends to make use 
of CouchDB - I actually did some experimentation in this direction last Friday, 
which I’ve now cleaned up a bit and added some documentation:

In my ideal world I think I’d be able to write a CouchDB configuration for an 
application in pure Infusion rather than pushing JSON around with curl or other 

From: Tony Atkins <>
Date: Monday, August 28, 2017 at 7:32 AM
To: "Harnum, Alan" <>
Cc: Fluid Work <>
Subject: Re: CouchDB - managing design documents?

Hi, Alan:

Thanks again for starting yet another interesting and important discussion.  
I've had to do a lot of this in my own work, and have alternated between:

  1.  Storing the design documents as raw JSON (mainly for testing).  This is 
similar to the approach used in the example you shared.
  2.  Writing design documents using 
The first approach seems easy enough, but is a bit tedious on a few fronts:

  1.  It's difficult to write even moderately complex functions as escaped 
  2.  Replacing an existing design document is a bit tedious, as it involves 
either looking up the current document's _rev or DELETEing and then POSTing the 
  3.  Although it's possible to require libraries from a design 
 this is pretty hard to manage using raw JSON files.
Couchapp makes each of these easier:

  1.  You just save your functions to a file, which you can run through our 
standard linting and more easily check for syntax errors.  You can even write 
unit tests against the functions you plan to use in your design documents.  
This is especially helpful when developing reduce functions, which can be a 
bear to troubleshoot with CouchDB or PouchDB.
  2.  Although it's trivial, couchapp makes it very easy to update design docs 
  3.  Couchapp makes it easier to bundle dependencies as part of your design 
document (basically by deploying them to a "lib" or similar directory within a 
design document's directory).
That being said, couchapp is something I have only relied on reluctantly.  I 
don't use it in tests, for example, as it seems a bit much to me to introduce a 
whole stack of dependencies (python, required libraries) just to solve what's a 
fairly simple use case.  Antranig and I have previously talked about building a 
Fluid component to assist with creating design documents, and it seems like a 
good time to broaden and refresh that discussion.

Regardless of whomever else is interested, I would be very happy to work 
together with you (and I'm assuming Antranig) on a ticket outlining the use 
cases in more detail.  Depending on the scope of what we agree is needed, I 
might end up simply building it the next time I need to work on a batch of 
design documents.  I'd also be very happy to help review something someone else 
builds and test that in my own work.



On Thu, Aug 24, 2017 at 4:16 PM, Harnum, Alan 
<<>> wrote:
Hi all,

We (Greg Moss & myself) are curious to know the opinions of others who've 
worked with it (especially in the context of Infusion / Kettle) about how to 
best manage design documents when using CouchDB as part of an application.

Specifically, what approaches have worked for externalizing design document 
code, ensuring the database has the latest design document code, etc?

I know one example of doing this is in gpii-oauth2-datastore, which is a JSON 
externalization of the views that is imported to the DB as part of application 
provisioning, described at:

I am wondering if people have seen or considered other approaches.

My own feeling is that it would be useful to be able to model an expected 
CouchDB database design document as an Infusion component, with the component 
taking responsibility for ensuring a set of view functions are present in the 
specified DB, but I don't feel a great certainty about this.

Curious as to the thoughts of others!




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