Hello Nilay,

My name is Jesse Greenberg, I am a software enigineer for PhET interactive
simulations and the mentor for the GSoC project you are interested in. I am
happy to hear you are interested in the project. Thank you sending your
background information, and thank you for reviewing the Scenery

To become more familiar with PhET, please do the following:

1) Review the PhET Development Overview
get project dependencies and learn how to run a PhET simulation locally.
This document also has information about PhET's coding style guidelines.

2) Once you are able to run the Example Simulation at
http://localhost:8080/example-sim/example-sim_en.html, please do the
following tasks to familiarize yourself with our codebase:

   - Run the simulation with accessibility enabled. This can be done by
   adding the ?accessibility query parameter at the end of the ULR like
   Buttons in the control panel should now be focusable with "tab" key.
   - Use Scenery's API for accessibility to make the BarMagnetNode
   focusable. You will have to set a tag name on the node for it to be
   - Use Scenery's API for accessibility to add an accessible label and
   description to  the BarMagnetNode. The label should be "Bar Magnet". The
   description should be "The bar magnet is oriented in a S-N orientation".
   - When the orientation of the BarMagnetNode changes, update its
   accessible description to reflect the change. It should say
      - The bar magnet is oriented in a S-N orientation" when the south
      pole is on the left, and
      - The bar magnet is oriented in a N-S orientation" when the south
      pole is on the right.
   - [Extra Credit] If you feel you have time, add a "Move Magnet" button
   below the "Flip Polarity" button. When pressed, it should move the bar
   magnet to a random location somewhere in the screen.

Additional information that might be helpful:

   - The code for the control panel is in
   - The API for accessibility in Scenery is documented and defined in
   - There are a couple of ways to verify your accessible labels and
   descriptions. One way is to use a screen reader to "read" through the sim
   and find the accessible content. But if you do not have a screen reader,
   you can also inspect the HTML to find the descriptions. The sim has a div
   with class="accessibility". After you give a node a tag name or accessible
   label, new elements and content will appear under this div.
   - Feel free to look through other UI components in
   https://github.com/phetsims/sun for examples of how to specify tag
   names, labels, and descriptions.

Please let me know if you have questions about the above items.

- Jesse Greenberg
fluid-work mailing list - fluid-work@lists.idrc.ocad.ca
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