Hi Jenniline,

Basically we want the contents of the site to be one repo and the static site 
generator related bits in another. For example it would make switching to a new 
static site generator easier in the future. 

I wasn’t exactly clear on what your question was, but I hope that answers it.


> On Mar 30, 2020, at 12:00 PM, Jenniline Ebai <jennilinee...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi @Justin Obara <mailto:obara.jus...@gmail.com> ,
> I am a GSOC aspirant I will like to apply for the project "Refactor and 
> Automate Infusion Documentation".   
> I will like to discuss my project proposal with you since you are one of the 
> mentors. 
> I have much interest in the project even though I came late to the 
> organisation. 
> I have knowledge on how my proposal should look like. I have viewed many 
> templates just that I am having a bit of confusion at the level of 
> implementation of the project. 
> I have researched which tool is the best to use and I have concluded on Hugo 
> or Jekyll my proposal will contain that. 
> However at the level of refactoring and automating the Documentation  is 
> where I am a bit confused. 
> I will really appreciate if you help me with a clearer picture of what is 
> expected and an idea of how to go about it. 
> I ask this because I learned that I can discuss my project proposal with a 
> mentor.
> And that students that discuss proposals with their mentors are those that 
> have a better understanding of the project and a solution.
> My own strategy is not yet very detailed and concise. It is one that has the 
> form of rebuilding the Documentation site and automating content using Hugo's 
>  automation method. 
> I know it is not the best that is why I am contacting you.
> Thanks I await your kind reply.
> Jenniline

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