In the email today...

>Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 07:58:33 -0700
>From: Peter Lunenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: mediawork 15 | Post '89 Theory
>--apologies for multiple postings--
>mediawork 15 | Post '89 Theory
>Saturday | February 12 | 1-6 PM | LAT Media Center
>Art Center College of Design

Art Center College of Design
1700 Lida Street
Pasadena, California 91103-1999

>1989, the year the Berlin Wall fell and communism imploded, has replaced
>1968 as the defining moment for contemporary theory. Unfortunately, most
>intellectuals are still using the concepts that they picked up from the
>generation of '68 to deal with the electronic, networked, market-oriented
>culture that emerged from the events of '89. The panelists participating in
>this roundtable, on the other hand, posit Post '89 theories that
>self-consciously live in, with and through new communication technologies.
>They reject the notion that every instance of cultural consumption should be
>read in reverse as an act of resistance, and they acknowledge market forces
>without necessarily embracing them.
>Join Sara Diamond from the Banff Centre for the Arts, international media
>activist Geert Lovink, new media theorist Peter Lunenfeld, digital
>artist/theorist Lev Manovich, and RTMark, the corporation which sponsors
>sabotage of mass-produced products, as they discuss (and no doubt disagree
>on) these issues and more in the latest installment of mediawork: The
>Southern California New Media Working Group.
>Following mediawork, at 6:00 PM Art Center's Williamson Gallery is hosting
>an opening reception for "Stiffs," an interactive, computer generated video
>art installation by Jennifer Steinkamp and Jimmy Johnson. RSVP to
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Directions to Art Center can be found at
><>. The LAT Times Media Center is on the lower level, park
>in the student lot.
>Sara Diamond is an artist, curator, and executive producer of new media. She
>is responsible for all media, visual art, and new media research at the
>Banff Centre for the Arts in Canada. <>
>Geert Lovink is an international media activist and theorist who maintains a
>mailing address in Amsterdam. Co-founder of the essential <nettime> mailing
>list, he has coordinated innumerable public events and publications,
>including the Hybrid Workshop at documenta X, and Readme!: ASCII Culture and
>the Revenge of Knowledge  (Autonomedia, 1998). <>
>Peter Lunenfeld, the founder of mediawork,  teaches in Art Center's graduate
>program in Communication & New Media Design. Editor of The Digital
>Dialectic: New Essays on New Media (MIT Press, 1999), he writes the "User"
>column in art/text, and his book, Snap to Grid: A User's Guide to Digital
>Arts, Media, and Culture (MIT Press, 2000), will be published in April.
>Lev Manovich teaches studio and theory classes in digital arts at the
>University of California, San Diego. Co-editor of Tekstura: Russian Essays
>on Visual Culture. (Chicago, 1993), his book, The Language of New Media
>(MIT, 2000) will be published in the fall. Recent art projects include
>"Little Movies" and "The Freud-Lissitsky Navigator" (with Norman Klein).
>RTMark is a brokerage that benefits from "limited liability" just like any
>other corporation; using this principle, RTMark supports the sabotage
>(informative alteration) of corporate products by channeling funds from
>investors to workers, seeking cultural not financial profit. RTMark's web
>site and promotional video have been selected for inclusion in this year's
>Whitney Biennial.  <>

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