Craig wrote:
>I have  found some tangential connections between Fluxus folks and
> Letterists (etc), but nothing really literal (any avtual
> connections -- letters/collaborations/meetings? -- that anyone
> might know about between Fluxus and CoBrA).

Between Fluxus and Cobra, I d'on't know anything, but I'm sure that some
very early Fluxus pieces were performed by Ben and Serge III Oldenbourg at
the Festival de la Libre Expression at the american Center of Paris in 1964
and 1965 where Situationnists and letterists performed concrete poetry too.
All the more, the adventure of the Cedille qui sourit in Villefranche sur
mer, with Filliou and Brecht, which became a meeting point for the french
avant-garde and hte Nice school allowed a lot of meetings between those
tendancies. The friendship of Brecht and Filliou with someone like Marcel
Broodthaers, a former concrete poet ant letterist, can be the beginning of
an evidence.


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