to whomever may be mildly knowledgable (or at least interested enough to

i am looking for info about possible connections (not that they are that
between certain literary perspectives and fluxus.
specifically between literature that embodies self-mockery,
self-directed laughter,
the carnivalesque/ grotesque
(such as nietzsche and... )
an emphasis on lower-body humor, concerning shit, etc.
(such as rabelais [via bakhtin], a.jarry [merdre], duchamp [r.mutt's
maciunas [his excreta fluxorum], etc.)
and I would like to focus on one fluxus member
how about...
was bruce nauman a fluxus member ? (unofficially of course)
but in all sincerety, what was his place in fluxus?
nauman (I have been told) said of "five marching men" that the figures
were inspired by the puppetlike characters of the Ubu plays,
but does anyone have a source for this?
and what of the the carnivalesque in naumans "Clown Torture" ?

if anyone has any sources or comments or links (theoretical links or
please do not wait to fashion the perfect polished response
the more immediate (a few moments of reflection, or reviewing your
college notes
or dusting off your dissertation or whatever,- wouldnt hurt though)

as I am currently writing and have met a bit of a block (and in the
spirit of george
maciunas), I am not afraid to ask others for their input.
any  resources, thoughts, ideas,?

scott rigby
the basekamp
723 chestnut st
second floor
phila, pa 19106

written thursday, 16 march 2000

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