Roger Bunny wrote:
>I have an idea
>which is good, [snip]
>or bad, [snip]
>or good, [snip]

>You, dear fluxlist people, send me a C60 or C90 tape filled to bursting with
>all your favourite obscure, ancient, hard-to-find, poppy, jazzy, arty,
>fluxy, electronic tracks. When I have received a few I will re-distribute

I really like this idea. Even better than the MP3 napster collusion conspiracy.

>Thus - you will send a tape  and get one back - although you won't know who
>it will be from until it arrives.

You mean we don't need to make 50 tapes?

>A trip down memory lane? A wallow in nostalgia? A chance to convince at
>least one
>other person on the planet that The Lurex Drainpipes were THE definitive
>band of 1977?

Uh, that's arguable.

>Send to:
>Roger Radio
>9 Alfred Rd
>CT7 9ND

Is that near the Dewsbury Road? Where oh where is the Dewsbury Road?


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